Rosie Day Rosie Day

Meadows, Woods, Sunshine, Love & an Engagement Shoot

Meadows, Woods, Sunshine, Love & an Engagement Shoot

I met this couple through my church I attend in Cambridge they had asked if anyone would like to do a photoshoot for them for their newly-announced engagement. I personally jumped at the chance to take photos, especially to test out my newly perchance Lumix g9. I met this lovely couple on separate occasions I met A at a coffee shop after responding to a message of requesting someone who could take their engagement photos. I lept at the chance this was something different for me buzzed as I was, it was the idea of showcasing someone special moment comes with being engaged. I was more used to doing event photography however, I loved the significance and importance of expressing someone’s story through photography. All the same, I was excited to be given the chance to showcase the announcement of this couple Engagement. We sat down in the cafe enjoying a warm cup of coffee on a wet day. We began talking about how they got together and how they met being friends beforehand. When they were in a prayer group she knew she liked him more than friends, the moment she first heard him pray. Then notify me how she waited a year until she informed him how she felt. She had such a sweet smitten smile on her face as she told me.


We then began discussing location she told me where he had proposed in a graveyard. I contemplated this idea for the shoot however it seemed like they did not feel comfortable enough to re-act their proposal. We set a date for the shoot promising to think about other locations too. I looked at the possibility of doing a shoot at the graveyard but felt that it would have limited us to thinking about the weather to much. In the end upon further discussions we decided to go a little out of the city and the location of our shoot became. Waldersbury park in Cambridge. They asked for a location that was natural lots of greens and told them to dress up in colours that were possible wedding themes. Waldersbury works out to be a great setting for the shoot, the weather for a fine summers day it was slightly on the hazy side not what I thought was ideal, however, in the end, it changed up the shoot.

We arrived at the park along with a friend of mine in tow, the car was a pay display we found a few cars in the carpark. However, I was pleased to discovered that we rarely bumped into many people along our stroll. To begin the shoot I expressed to them the need for them to feel that they can relax. I always wanted the photos to be as natural as possible helping to. bring in realness into the shoot. Who wants their portrait photos to look forced.

The Camera

Upon walking around giving space for exposure, shutter adjustments. I was using my Lumix g9 for the first shoot, I had recently purchased this camera with a 12 - 60 lens. I've regularly used Lumix before this one being a lot more professional. I find that Lumix by Panasonic is a really easy camera to use and has a lot of great features including 4 different burst shooting modes as well as 6k and 4k video images. I decided for this shot I would shot in jpeg being also aware of the constant changes in light during the couple of hours I did for he shoot.

Upon walking around giving space for exposure, shutter adjustments. I was using my Lumix g9 for the first shoot, I had recently purchased this camera with a Leica 12 - 60 lens. I've regularly used Lumix before this one being a lot more professional. I find that Lumix by Panasonic is a really easy camera to use and has a lot of great features including 4 different burst shooting modes as well as 6k and 4k video images. I decided for this shot I would shot in Raw being also aware of the constant changes in light during the couple of hours I did for the shoot.

The shoot begun in a meadow area getting a few practice photos before I became happy with what I was getting then I got them to sit on a bench close by taking some simple head shots. The light was starting to look a lot better the further around the park we walked as we came into different areas of stunning wooded areas with light creeping through the canopy of the trees giving way to beautiful soft light. The park also offers stunning tunnels of trees making epic archways introducing whispers of light. Further giving way to dense areas where barely any light crept through to a various meadows with small purple flowers and long grass. All this added a real natural rustic feel to the photos which ended up being very similar to the overall wedding look. They really expressed this when seeing the photos afterwards.

If you would like me to photograph capture or document your special day, family, product, capture you or your head shoots.

send me an email I'm based in Cambridge UK get in touch

let me tell your story

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Rosie Day Rosie Day

Melodic Paper Cranes 折り鶴

I love being able to express my heart through images as much as writing about the photos. When I get to showcase some awesome people that I haven't known for long, nevertheless I've had the pleasure of getting to know and living with talented musicians. Making their late-night practices all the more sweet-sounding especially if you're sick or feeling down. I always find that Paper Cranes can bring a smile or a tingle to brighten your day. I met Fraser and Naomi when they were playing at a Festival at the end of January, while I was serving at the registration tent. I decided that I would listen to this band I had never heard before apart from when I played them on Spotify an hour or so before the gig... oddly you're meant to listen to music at a music festival. I hate to say it but I must admit they were the only band I ended up watching play at the festival, I enjoyed their sounds, so I was chuffed to be able to get to know them a bit.

They took a shine to my photography which has been super encouraging because they've pushed and spurred me on to pursue it more. I recently got invited by the band to take some photos for their gig, on June 13th this year. However, before I show you more of these photos, I thought I would tell you about their music, before showing you some of my favourite shots I took on the night of the gig.

Paper Cranes bring in music that you could relax to any time of the day whether it is your morning wake up, driving in the afternoon, sipping hot coffee or enjoying an evening with friends and a glass of red wine - it doesn't always have to be red mind you. The sound that they bring is very melodic, rustic, folk, indie and acoustic music. They bring with them a range of musical sound waves; from keys, guitar, synth, drums, Japanese Flute (Shakuhachi), harmonica, vocals and ukulele. They started out in Auckland and had recently moved to Tauranga bringing something extra special out of the unique kiwi sound. Paper Cranes' impressive wife duo Fraser and Naomi Browne write their own poetic lyrics from their life experiences. Working with many different skilled musicians, they're a wonderful loving pair, servant-hearted and oozing with creativity, that you'll surely enjoy listening to their rhythmic sounds live or on cd.

The gig happened on June 13th this year. There was a lounge feeling to the gig, they were playing at Totara street along with Nick Dow whom Fraser met at Songhubs in May. I really had a blast listening to both Nick Dow and my friends Paper Cranes. Getting pleasure out of playing around with a borrowed Canon DSLR. Enjoying the lighting of green and purple it was a challenging light to deal with a first because I had to get a hang of the camera for the first 5 minutes of them playing, nevertheless I was soon able to be in my element, as were they.

The night was pretty awesome with a chilled atmosphere. As I clicked away taking pictures from the stage and off the stage, listening to Paper Cranes play away the audience in their Zone. Their unique sounds were enjoyed by the members of the crowd. Naomi and Fraser took turns playing the Nord and the Juno synth, Fraser played guitar and Naomi also had her traditional Japanese flute. They definitely made it a tough act to follow for Nick Dow but he still pulled out his violin wowing the crowd with jazzy feels!

I highly recommend everyone of you readers check these guys out maybe even by a cd! (New album Voices is out and its a beautiful)
thanks for reading



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Rosie Day Rosie Day

Justice and Coffee

It all begins with an idea.

Justice and Coffee

It is funny how you just have those things that draw your heart to want to do something creative and expressive that will show someone how an issue of justice isn't something we should take as a pinch of salt or in the case of this latest photoshoot, a shot of coffee. I thrive off the chance to do something that will share a story or a message. Promote something important or generally generate freedom for others. I am a supporter of stopping human trafficking after doing research for my Masters and in youth and community work. I research alot and from my own journey since the first time I heard Daniel Beddingfield talking about human trafficking. I knew I had to find everyway I could do something. I was part a part of silent marching accross a small new zealand town, part of events and Including having the chance to work with young women who were caught up in this injustice taking advantage of for the bodies. After experiencing this I was drawn to this amazing charity called blue bear coffee co not just my love for coffee but because I wanted to support the work that BlueBear is doing to bring freedom to those trapped not just sex trafficking, but, also forced labour, domenstic servitude, criminal exploitation and child exploitation. Theres so much that we don’t realise including the numbers still in salavery is still the highest it has ever been with 40 million people globally are being affected by modern day slavery. As a young person I lived and breathed the drive to want to bring justice to situations but only one person can only do so much.

How did this all start you ask well let’s not go right to the view beginning because that would be me retelling the whole 16-year-old Rosie's dream but let me go back to April 2020, I was wandering around YouTube looking for a different seen in terms of churches because during in lockdown, I was a cereal churchgoer, and I came across a service at Holy Trinity Clapham. During the service, they interview two different people that were part of human trafficking abolishing charities and one of these charities is Blue Bear Coffee Co. This Charity produces great quality ethically sourced coffee across many locations and 100% of their profits go towards supporting Charities like IJM, Justice & Care and Unseen. I decided that I had to find out more, so I went searched them up on Instagram and ordered myself some coffee. It all started from there and I knew I wanted to use my creative photography skills to help support Blue Bear and also my social media that I had established with other charities and organsations’s in the past.

Break Down of A photoshoot set up

Blue Bear was advertising for a summer intern for students I got a reply, and they say they would love to look into how they could use my talents in the future. Around the end of November, Bryn from Blue Bear Messaged me on Instagram. He asked if I would like to take some photos of them and of course, I jumped at the chance. I had my own blue bear travel mug already and they sent me over some of their coffee and Christmas chocolate made by Tony Chocolonely to photograph. I decided that making it wintery and Christmassy would be the best Idea using so it was early for the Christmas decorations but I wanted them to feature in some of the photography this meant that I decided it was time to put up the tree.

This was one of many shots I would end up doing for them including producing reels and videos to help increase the capacity that they could do as a charity.

Heres a shoot breakdown from one of the shoots I did for them: Blue Bear Christmas 2020 Shoot.


Blue Bear Coffee Co

Click on the button bellow and sign up for their 
coffee club and taste some tasty coffee’s from 
around the world whilst bringing freedom.and find out more about what they do and where the money the raise from the selling of there coffee. 




International Justice Mission

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Rosie Day Rosie Day

Jungle Floor Creative

Read to find out why I decided to start my own business.

Hello, my name is Rosie and I’m the creator of jungle floor Creative. I’m all about the effects of that growing and tending plants can have a positive impact on mental health and well-being. I also really how being creative improves well-being too. Therefore I wanted to compile them together to make this business bring you the first Jungle Floor mat to pot your plants on whilst minimizing the mess clean up afterward. What makes my mat, not like other potting mats. Well, I don’t know how other people sauced their items for production but I decided in creating this business that I want to support the little people as much as possible to be actively saucing items from many independents right down to the soil I use to re pot my plants with.

As I’ve said in my intro on my homepage I have many reasons for deciding what made me want to start a business but I guess the main reason for doing this is that it gives me a reason to sew more things, It’s my happy place sewing and has become a great way for me to be focused on something else when I need it. I thought of this idea whilst I was tending to my other love of plants and photography. You’ve guessed it… on my jungle floor!! I began coming up with the idea of creating a mat that looks nice, feels nice, and has a great purpose for re-potting my plants with my favorite Soil Ninja. I wanted something that was easy to put away and big enough to have a few things on the mat at one time as well as being able to fold away afterward. I also really wanted to create and jazz up the bottom of my Ikea Cabinets, I also generally want to inspire and encourage others in any way I can.

I plan as time goes on to bring in other items available to you and to partner with and collaborate with others in the future to bring you great items to enhance your well-being, and wellness and inspire creativity.

Watch this space!

My entry for Great British Plant off confession I’ve Vacumed my plants many times poor babies.

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