The Jungle Floor

Did you know that a jungle has many layers to it? well you should know because thats something you learn in school. I personally believe in my knowledge of plants and the jungle that the floor is pretty key in the whole layers of the forest. I’ve been fascinated by the Green plant at the moment and especially the first episode which talked about the tropical landscapes.

David Attenborough was expressing how dark it is on the forest floor but however when I tree falls its a race to get the light and we watch this time-lapse of the plants beginning to race including a Monstera Deliciosia (aka the Swiss cheese plant). What we can grasp from this is that yes plants need light to grow but also the ground at the bottom of the forest under all the leaves is filled with other living creatures and organisms that are key to the growth of the forest. How often have you found mushrooms growing in your house plant pot?

The soil between your fingers feels so good and the sound of the Activated charcoal when you add water to it the moments and feelings of rescuing at plant or creating a new one. I love that you can all do this when your using your Potting Mat. Drawing in the nutrients, the texture and type of soil you need as you discover the endless fun of growing your own plants. Sometimes this can be from Snips of plants, Corms and seeds. Researching and understanding each plant is important, no matter your experience level. For example, when considering the environment for an Alocasia plant, it's not just about using a standard house plant mix from the garden center. It's about finding the right elements to add to create the best soil for this particular plant's genus.

The jungle is a dense and diverse ecosystem where lush plants and exotic animals fiercely compete for resources to ensure their survival. It's akin to crafting your own miniature jungle, where every plant stretches and strains toward the sunlight in a desperate bid to thrive amidst the dense foliage.

I think your idea is that the potting mat is like the jungle floor for our plants, where they get nutrients and begin to compete for light.

Rosie Day

House Planter lover, Sewist, I make Potting Mats and other items found in my shop. I have been collecting house plants since I was 13 but I’ve become overly serious about it in 2015. I am Also a Photographer and creative person.

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